Red Shoes 3.0

Spread the Sparkle!

Learn it, glitter up & share

When my daughter was little she had sparkly red shoes.  Everywhere we went, people noticed them and smiled, often commenting how they wished they had some.  It always seemed to cheer and inspire them. So I thought, “Why don’t we?”  Everyone should have some.  In that first version of the Red Shoes dance, 50 of us glued and glittered our own and performed.  The happiness it generated lingered.  Quarantine got me thinking how much I needed some of that feeling again.  Tom Disher made more music and I’ve made more dance!  This 3.0 version is doable in a very small space. Tutorials available below or email me, I’d be glad to teach you myself. Sending it out to the worldwide web to land wherever and spread some sparkle.