DEYODANCES is the choreography, teaching and company directed by Lisa Deyo.  She is the product of a wide ranging background as a dancer and performer. Originally from San Luis Obispo, Lisa started dancing with Lori Lee Silvaggio at the Academy of Dance. She went on to New York City to Dennis Wayne’s Dancers contemporary ballet company, back to California for Jean Ann Ryan’s GOTTA DANCE at Great American Amusement Park, Los Angeles Chamber Ballet, to Disney industrials, commercial videos, and being a showgirl in Spellbound—a magic extravaganza, to Chicago to join Hubbard Street Dance Chicago for 3 years, returning to San Luis Obispo to form Deyo Dances. 2006 winner of an ART INSPIRES! Individual Artist’s Grant for choreography, she has had commissions in Colorado, Virginia, California and Barcelona. Lisa’s ballet, Out Of Water, was chosen one of six finalists in the International Competition of Classical Choreography as part of the Nouveau Festival International de Danse de Paris in 1999. It was performed by Oakland Ballet in Paris for the finals. For 10 months Lisa was dancing and teaching ballet, jazz and modern at the Ramon Solé Studio in Barcelona, Spain. She taught ballet at Gibney Dance in New York City in 2012-2013, returning to San Luis Obispo and Cal Poly in 2014.

 Review by Vadim Curic-St Petersburg News (Russia Tour)                    

Fresh, fresh, fresh. Who are these Americans that entertained us, shocked us, and exhausted us with their skills? Lisa Deyo, American upstart and former dancer with the Hubbard Street Company, Chicago, Illinois, is a miracle. From the start of the opening piece we saw very comfortable movement. Why do these Americans think that performance can be so happy...world-class dancers held us in a spell as they passionately spun out a tale of discovery and love... I was at the ballet, no, at a disco, no...I was experiencing American know-how. How to entertain. They have it down.

photo by Barry Goyette

photo by Barry Goyette